Tuesday, May 7, 2013

We have a date!

Good news!  Brooke is scheduled to start OIT in July!  We had the option to start in June, but with my husband being out of town for training in June... it was a much better decision to wait until July.  I am nervous, excited, hopeful, and stressed.  It is terrifying to think that the doctor will be feeding her minuscule amounts of the very food we've been adamantly avoiding for so long.  Not every child can handle OIT.  Some have complications that are bothersome enough that they have to pull out of the therapy before they can become desensitized.  But, we have to remember that there are so many who have gone before Brooke and have become successfully desensitized.  I hope with all my heart, that the road that Brooke travels down, will be easy and complication free.  She so deserves a chance at normalcy, and so do we.  The next two years will be very hard, but there is a very bright light at the end of this tunnel!


  1. YAY - I just KNOW this is going to work! So excited for all of you. Many kisses, hugs, and prayers being sent your way.

  2. Thanks Evie, for being one of Brooke's biggest fans! We are excited too!
